The first thing to consider is your wedding budget. If this is a large well funded affair I would certainly recommend finding a good wedding planner to assist you with all the details and keep everything on track. But, what about those of you feeling the crunch? What should you do? Amazingly enough a lot of planners are hoping to help those feeling the financial squeeze so it's worth it to call around and see what your local wedding planners have to say. These days, most are willing to work with you.
If you're well organized with time to spare and actually want to do it yourself, planning and instituting your own wedding can be a joyful experience! Just keep a good diary planner on hand and refer to it for every little thing and you'll do great! If you're not organized and have a smaller budget why not find a friend who's the organization-diva and ask her to step in and help. This works really well if she's already part of the wedding party!
Keeping track of all the details will put you on the right track to a successful, stress free (well almost) wedding. Happy planning!
Lovingly brought to you by Joyful Celebrations LLC, the proud owner of Joyful Invitations and Joyful Party Favors!