This year Thanksgiving and the "Holidays" feels so different from any other year. Rather than dwelling on the negative I think it's time to feel thankful for what we really have, to have gratitude for the daily things in our life that we overlook or take for granted. Look around you. What are you grateful for? I know I'm grateful to have a wonderful, loving husband, a great roof over my head, and my two dogs, Noodle and Max. I lost my job due to the economy, and at first I was freaked. But, what I've learned through this experience is that when the Universe gives you lemons, make lemonade. So, here I am creating wedding websites and blogs and I couldn't be happier. Is it paying the bills? Not yet, but I'm ever so hopeful, and there's always going back to work if I have to. Whatever it takes.
I think an important key to getting through this economical uncertainty is to write in a "gratitude journal" every day. When our thoughts are directed towards the good in our life it drains the power out of what we perceive as "bad". Being grateful is the most potent way I know to battle fear. Also, living in the "now" is an amazing way to conquer fear. Just sit very still and talk to yourself. Tell yourself that right now, this very second, you're safe and secure, and really feel it. Feel safe, feel secure. Now, tell yourself that worrying about the future is only taking away from the safety of the "now". It is not productive to worry about something that hasn't happened, or might not even happen. Be in the now, enjoy and cherish the now, pray often, be grateful and things will look and be much brighter.
This Thanksgiving I want to send all of you out there in the blogsphere peace, love and happiness. That is my wish for you! Happy"Thankful" Thanksgiving!
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